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- Phone:
- 04 473 7224
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- Postal Address
- PO Box 1087
Wellington 6140 - Head Office:
- Level 13, NTT Tower, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011
Click here to see other upcoming courses.
Member: $670 (+GST)
Non-members: $850 (+GST)
Duration: Two days, in person.
Time: 9am-4pm
NZQA Unit Standard: 29315 (Assessment costs additional)
Workbook, arrival tea or coffee, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.
The purpose of this two-day course is to prepare anyone who wants to be officially recognised as an H&S Representative in their workplace. The course introduces you to the key elements of effective worker participation and engagement. It also covers the key strategies and tools you will need to be an effective representative in your workplace.
This course is suitable for people who have been chosen to be the H&S Representative for their organisation and need to be well-prepared for the role. It would also be useful for anyone who would like to know about the requirements for the role or who have employees in these positions.
Understand the key duty holders and their respective duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015.
Learn how to identify and report on links to low productivity due to health and safety practices.
Generate improvements to reduce injury costs, occurrence and rehabilitation.
We offer Inhouse training options for this course tailored for your business. Enquire at