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- 04 473 7224
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- PO Box 1087
Wellington 6140 - Head Office:
- Level 13, NTT Tower, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011
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Members: $1,490 (+GST)
Non-members: $1,650 (+GST)
Duration: One day, in person course
Time: 9am–4pm
Workbook, arrival tea or coffee, morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea.
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of governance, and to equip you with the right tools to work collaboratively and effectively with your board and leadership team. The course covers an introduction to governance, the board and their roles and responsibilities, and working with the Chief Executive.
This course is suitable for people who are already on a board, or who are thinking about applying for a role on a board. It would also be a useful course for senior managers who report to boards and business owners who are considering setting up a board.
We offer Inhouse training options for our course which can be tailored for your business. Enquire at