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- Level 13, NTT Tower, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011
The Central Library plays a concomitant role as part of Wellington’s inner-city, surrounded by the central business district.
The Wellington Chamber of Commerce – on behalf of the more than 1,200 businesses and 50,000 employees it represents – does not support the Golden Mile proposals presented by Let’s Get Wellington Moving.
As Wellington enters the 2020s, it is worth reflecting how far the city has come. Over the last 40 years, the city has transformed from a grey centre of bureaucracy to the thriving cultural and commercial hotspot it is today.
The Chamber writes to oppose the proposed traffic resolution TR-102-20 in its current state.
The Chamber fully supports the effort to increase Wellingtonians’ ability to social distance as the country continues to work its way out to the COVID-19 crisis.
Business Central supports the Bill and its intent to reduce New Zealand’s long-term emissions in line with our international peers. We also support the mechanism to achieve emissions reductions targets by placing a price on carbon so that emissions decline most cost-effectively.
Wellington businesses are concerned about the underinvestment in the City and region’s transport infrastructure.
A well-functioning vocational education system is a partnership between students, employers, education providers and the government. Each has a critical role to play, with communication between them all the key.
To varying degrees, Chambers of Commerce (Chambers) have advocated for the liberalisation of international trade as well as supported Buy Local policies in their respective countries.
We appreciate the fact that NZ Customs has had the costing and pricing methods verified by an independent third party. We are satisfied the new fees structure is a fair reflection of the actual costs of good clearance activities undertaken by NZ Customs.
We agree with the Minister of Finance’s in-principle decision to keep responsibility for prudential regulation with the Reserve Bank.
The Wellington Chamber of Commerce and Business Central (The Chamber) writes to express our support for the New Zealand Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s (NZCCI) submission to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade on The Upgrade of t