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After 5 with Nimbl Consulting

Te Wharewaka o Pōneke - 2 Taranaki Street, Wellington 6011
Event date
5:30PM - 7:30PM
Member cost
Non-member Cost
$40 +GST

Join us for a kōrero on climate resilience

Climate resilience and adaptation are becoming ever more vital for business. As events like Cyclone Gabrielle have made clear, the changing world impacts on everything from property to people, supply chains, infrastructure and insurance costs. Managing these risks, and recognising opportunities, are integral to business success.

This event presents an opportunity to engage in four key areas of climate resilience, all hosted by subject matter experts who work in or have deep knowledge of the impacts of climate change, infrastructure resilience and responding to climate events.

Like all our After 5 events, it’s a great chance to build your network and share ideas while learning new ways your business can thrive.


Introducing our brilliant speakers:

Tom Arkell
Tom founded Nimbl Consulting with a vision for doing consulting differently, and has led a variety of small and large-scale transformation programmes across Aotearoa. Tom co-authored Navigating the Storm: Rethinking New Zealand’s Climate Resilience System to Boost Economic Growth and Wellbeing, and will be bringing the insights from this into the session to spark discussion.

Graham MacLean
Graham Maclean has over 20 years of leadership experience across multiple sectors. He is currently leading efforts to support New Zealand oceans and waterways to be safe, secure, clean and sustainable. In this session, Graham will be presenting on National ambitions for resilience - from the lens of how the public service interfaces with the private sector - and how opportunities to work together can create better outcomes for Kiwis.

Ali Houpapa
Ali is a dedicated representative and member of Taranaki Whānui and holds the role of Cultural Advisor for the transformative Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-One section of Te Ara Tupua. The Te Ara Tupua project is designed to provide a safe and attractive 4.5km route for walking and cycling between Ngauranga and Petone, while creating a resilient coastal edge to protect the road and rail. During the evening, Ali will highlight the significance of this critical project, and discuss the integral role of the mana whenua partnership in the project, showcasing how cultural collaboration and innovative design are driving efforts to protect and enhance the environment, ensuring long-term sustainability and resilience against climate change.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get insights into what our future really holds for us, and the opportunities that lie beneath the change we’re facing.

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Get in touch

04 473 7224
Postal Address
PO Box 1087
Wellington 6140
Head Office:
Level 13, NTT Tower, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011