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Wellington Region Chambers of Commerce Submission to the Let's Get Wellington Moving Working Group

Wellington Chamber of Commerce Submission

Issue date


The Chambers of Commerce has been the voice of business in the Wellington region for 161 years since 1856 and advocates policies that reflect the interests of the business community, in both the city and region, and the development of the region’s economy as a whole. The Chambers advocate the views of its members and obtains that view through regularly surveying members. Chamber members have consistently demonstrated support for improving Wellington’s transport network over the years.

The Chambers have been closely following developments to improvements to Wellington’s transport network and has continuously advocated for a more efficient and fit for purpose transport regime, both in the city and in terms of the broader movement of freight and people within the Wellington region.

In our recent survey on the LGWM proposals, 96.86% (more than 600 respondents) agreed that Wellington’s transport system needs further development and investment. While we know that there are many views within our membership, the survey saw that over half, 54%, of respondents favouring Scenario D, with 90% supporting a solution that includes resolving the issues at the Basin Reserve and introducing grade separation.

Scenario D delivers the most benefits, including travel time savings and opportunities to regenerate and develop the city, and builds the infrastructure that Wellington needs to make our transport network work. There is a clear need to fix the current issues that underinvestment and poor planning has created to date, and get it right going forward by planning ahead.

To further understand the support for scenario D, members were asked a range of questions, including the potential benefits to their own businesses, along with other businesses in the region. In total, 642 responses were received. This submission includes a copy of the questionnaire, attached as an Appendix to this submission. Analysis of the responses is also covered in the body of this submission and further information, including direct feedback, are included also as an Appendix.

In summary, this submission supports the following:

  • The intention to prioritise public transport, while ensuring that there is a balance to adequately accommodate movement of all modal users, in particular for the movement of goods and services.
  • Reduce speed limits in the central city, while noting that lowering speed limits could actually lead to perverse outcomes and unsafe behaviour, requiring mitigation.
  • Prioritise key streets for public transport, walking and cycling where this is appropriate, ensuring that it does not stop the flow of goods and services, or too greatly limits access to the city for all modal users.
  • Build an extra Mt Victoria tunnel and separate east-west traffic from other movements at the Basin Reserve to deliver faster and more reliable public transport connections, including mass transit to Newtown and the airport.
  • Build a new city tunnel under parts of Te Aro to reduce modal conflicts
  • Build an extra Terrace Tunnel to improve access to and from the north and reduce traffic on the waterfront quays and through the central city, making it easier to access the waterfront.
  • The need to ensure that the opportunity for future mass transit (including the possibly of light rail) when implementing the corridor of change as outlined in Scenario D.

This submission will focus on a number of areas, including important issues surrounding economic growth and productivity, road safety and value for money of projects (including funding options).

The Chambers would welcome the opportunity to discuss our submission with the LGWM initiative.

Analysis of Chambers Survey Results

A brief analysis of the responses to the Chambers survey, which offered an opportunity for members to provide some business-related input as to the benefits and costs of each scenario outlined in the LGWM consultation documents, is summarised below. Further information is contained in the appendix, including direct responses. The direct responses provided include constructive feedback, comments that reflect the majority view held by members. All comments are available on request...

Download to read the full submission.

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