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Letter of Support - Preparations for a UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement

Wellington Chamber of Commerce and Business Central - Letter of Support

Issue date


Our organisation writes in support of both the ExportNZ and the New Zealand International Business Forum (NZIBF) submissions on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s consultation on preparations for a UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement. We would like to add our voices behind their submissions, but also make the additional comments below on behalf of our members. We welcome and support the concept of a free trade agreement between the United Kingdom and New Zealand and believe such an agreement is an important part in advancing UK-NZ trade-relations to the next level. We appreciate the opportunity to comment and we look forward to continuing to engage on the matter in the near future.

Focus Issues

Like our partners at ExportNZ and NZIBF, our organisation believes there is a strong case of a modern, comprehensive, and forward-thinking bi-lateral UK-NZ free trade agreement. A freetrade agreement would preserve our current trade interests in the UK, improve parity with our in-market competitors, and generate new opportunities and benefits for those already in market and those interested in exporting or investing in the UK in the future.

Even without a free trade agreement, New Zealand’s trade relationship with the UK is healthy. They are our sixth-largest export destination for goods and services, our eighth-largest source of imports, and an important source of business investment into New Zealand. This is despite the fact that the UK has a number of tariffs and non-tariff barriers impeding trade with New Zealand, are a part of the European Common Market, and are on the other side of the world...

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John Milford | Former Chief Executive, Wellington Chamber of Commerce
Man on phone

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